Fintech ETFs

TickerNamemarketCap30 day change %yieldLast PriceCategoryIssuerOptionsDescriptionExpense Ratio
FDFFFidelity Disruptive Finance ETF$25.81Active EquityFidelityN/AActively managed fund that invests in disruptive finance companies. These are organizations in the finance industry that are pushing for innovative developments that may significantly alter the way they deliver their products and services. The fund invests in securities of domestic and foreign issuers.0.50%
FNTCDirexion Daily FinTech Bull 2X SharesPassive EquityDirexionQuarterlySeeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, of 200% of the performance of the Indxx US FinTech and Decentralized Finance Index (IUFDFI). There is no guarantee that the fund will achieve its stated investment objective.1.07%