SRN Advisors ETF List

Ticker SymbolNameIssuerCategoryMarket CapYieldExpense RatioLast Price30 Day Change %Description
DFNDSiren DIVCON Dividend Defender ETFSRN AdvisorsPassive Equity1.50%$37.33DFND tracks an index of dividend-paying US large-cap stocks that are likely to increase dividends, while shorting those that are unlikely to do so. At rebalance, the fund is 75% long, 25% short.
LEADSiren DIVCON Leaders Dividend ETFSRN AdvisorsPassive Equity0.43%Seeks long-term capital appreciation by tracking the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Siren DIVCON Leaders Dividend Index.
BLCNSiren Nasdaq NexGen Economy ETFSRN AdvisorsPassive Equity0.68%$20.02The investment seeks long-term growth by tracking the investment returns, before fees and expenses, of the Nasdaq Blockchain Economy Index. Under normal circumstances, at least 80% of the fund's assets, will be invested in component securities of the index.
SPQQSiren Large Cap Blend Index ETFSRN AdvisorsN/A0.20%This ETF is no longer active.